Posted by dOoBiX on June 2nd, 2010 at 3:47 am | 2,671 views

Patch 14 has been released with some buffs for the Zerg! Check out the spoiler for the list of changes.
Patch 14 (version – Show ▼
Balance Changes
- Archon
- Build time decreased from 17 to 12.
- Viking
- Ground damage decreased from 14 to 12.
- Corruptor
- Corruption energy cost decreased from 100 to 75.
- Infestor
- Burrowed move speed increased from 1 to 2.
- Peristalsis upgrade removed.
- Overlord/Overseer
- Pneumatized Carapace cost increased from 50/50 to 100/100.
- Overseer
- Infested Terran energy cost decreased from 125 to 100.
- Roach
- Organic Carapace upgrade removed.
- Tunneling Claws now also increases burrowed regeneration rate from 5 to 10.
- Ultralisk
- Anabolic Synthesis upgrade removed.
- Health increased from 450 to 500.
- Speed increased from 2.25 to 2.9531.
Bug Fixes
- Map Publishing: the default host now points to the correct server.
- Time Expiration notices that were added for testing of the Guest Pass functionality have been removed.
- Fixed a crash when trying to open an old replay by double-clicking it in Explorer.