Note: As of patch v1.18, StarCraft: Brood War is completely FREE, and can be downloaded here:
PC –
Mac –
If you still need a StarCraft CD-key, check below for one that you might be able to use to play online via If it doesn’t work, just refresh this page to get a different one.
Need to change your StarCraft CD-key? Get StarCraft CD-Key changer.
Enjoy! 🙂
They Dont Work
The Keys Send Me To The VOID When I Try To Play -_-
Just Tell Us The Secret -_-
At least you can play on with most of these CD-keys, unlike the ones from a key generator. 🙂
This is officially my favorite starcraft website.
you will always be sent to the void if it is not a legit cd key. who cares, you can still play the game on b net
why arent they working
i tryed like 12 of them and none of them worked…
Are you sure you couldn’t go on with any of those 12 keys? At least 1 of them should work on… or maybe you aren’t using the cdkey changer correctly.
thxs alot dude. My starcraft cd key got stolen and now thanks to your code, it works. I did it once. thxs.
nice, now to find awwat out of yhe void 🙂 tnks n u rule GJ
I dont know WHO you are or HOW you did that… but THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
ur awesome! ive been w8ong for sumthing like this 4ever
yo , these keys work , however when I play battlenet I can’t choose my location gateway. it says “robattle” and it’s in spanish and like nobody is in that channel.. perhaps I need to go to the channel of my location?? What’s the USEAST channel name? or if you know the solution to the gateway issue please tell me.
Umm most of em are disabled…
how do you reset the cdkey to try a different one on the game if u already registered it
Use a cdkey changer. You can get it here:
wow this site is in my favorites now #1 starcraft site lol
do u know where i can get cd keys that dont get me in void. still cool but i cant talk to friends. 🙁
You can keep trying different cd keys until you find one that isn’t muted.
it doesn’t work for me
Keep trying different keys. :]
are there any that arnt voided?
Maybe. You’ll just have to keep trying more keys if you want a perfect one…