Posted by dOoBiX on September 27th, 2010 at 9:12 pm | 7,323 views
I’ve just read on that StarCraft II in the EU servers have just updated to a new patch, version 1.1.1. This patch only contains some bug fixes, one of them includes “fixing” the mineral boosting trick. The patch is not here yet for the US servers, but should be up soon. You can read the patch notes below:
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.1.1
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Ultralisk cleave range was being unintentionally extended by larger targets.
- Fixed an issue where the Phoenix’s Graviton Beam was automatically canceled if you used it just after the Phoenix reached 50 energy.
- Fixed an issue where queuing Return Cargo on a worker would cause it to ignore the built-in delay after it finished gathering.
- Fixed an issue where players watching older replays or saved games would experience stuttering.
- Fixed an issue where some Mac users were unable to join games properly.
UPDATE: Path 1.1.1 is live for the US!
“Fixed an issue where queuing Return Cargo on a worker would cause it to ignore the built-in delay after it finished gathering.”
That means the mineral trick will never work…