Posted by on April 5th, 2008 at 6:14 pm | 110,195 views

Play StarCraft Brood War without a No-CD Crack!

First download this program called Daemon Tools:
DAEMON Tools Lite (8655 downloads)

and download the mini Brood War ISO:
Mini Brood War ISO (14890 downloads)

Install Daemon Tools, set 1 or more Virtual CD-ROM drives, and then Mount the Mini Brood War ISO to a virtual drive that you created.

TA-DA! Now you can play Brood War with no CD in your CD-ROM drive because it is in your Virtual drive!

Note: This ISO is not a real Brood War CD, thus it can’t be used to install the game. It is used to trick the game to think that the CD is in the CD-ROM drive.

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16 years ago

Anyone get this work? It won’t autorun or anything…

15 years ago

Yes, I got it to work….
You instal Daemon, then mount the ISO, the broodwar installation (that you had to do with a cd and key, or download) then tricks Broodwar into thinking you have the cd in a drive when its really an image.

15 years ago

This helps… but what do i do if i lost my cd and i want to re-install it? i have my original but i can’t find brood war.

some guy
15 years ago

well then get the full brood war iso not mini

mac computers are gay
15 years ago

I tried this on my macbook. couldnt get it to work. you actually dont need daemon tools on mac os x to mount an iso file, the software is already built in. but for some reason i cant get it to work.

15 years ago

cool, at last all this shtt with nocds is over!

wonko the sane
14 years ago

the install.exe IS in there but (as stated in the desc) not the real one, just put that in the starcraft folder and rename it to broodwar.mpq and it’ll work, just did it since i couldnt find another way :3

14 years ago

if you want to play with no cd, then download this mini broodwar.mpq that i’ve just ripped from install.exe on broodwar original cd…

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